What an Islamic Icon is Teaching American Youth
Yet, what he is using his influence to preach is disturbing. He has a long history of extremism. On April 30, he published an anti-American poem at his website titled, “War Chronicle/Peace Plea.” He depicts the U.S. as a warmongering country, ravaging Muslim countries and brutalizing innocent civilians.
“A way of life that’s steeped in blood, from sea to shining sea/murder behind the veil of lies, proclaimed as liberty,” the second stanza reads, obviously referring to the U.S. Later in the poem, it refers to soldiers that “urinate upon the dead and do it with a smile,” referencing an incident where four U.S. Marines urinated on the bodies of killed Taliban terrorists.
Shakir writes that the U.S. is racist and its military has no qualms about killing Muslims:
“They’ve earned the ire of our empire, towel heads and camel jocks. So kill them all and watch them fall before the awe and shock,” it is stated in the sixth stanza.
The tenth stanza accuses the U.S. military of raping Muslim girls:
“The fresh young girls are there to rape then burn the evidence/perhaps this dose of Christian love will force them to repent.”
With incendiary rhetoric against the U.S. military like this, we shouldn’t be surprised that Zakir feels attacks on American soldiers are legitimate. In one speech, he said that “Islam doesn’t permit us to hijack airplanes filled with civilian people…[but] if you hijack an airplane filled with the 82nd Airborne, that’s something else.”
Shakir is held up as an icon to the Muslim-American community. We should be seriously concerned about what he’s teaching at Zaytuna College.
He is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist and accuses the U.S. of “demonizing” Manuel Noriega, Hugo Chavez, Muammar Qaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban. On the other hand, he depicts Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Iraqi insurgents and jihadists in Chechnya and Pakistan as fighters against imperialism. In June 2006, the New York Times reported that “he said he still hoped that one day the United States would be a Muslim country ruled by Islamic law.”
Why are groups like CAIR, ISNA, MSA and others
Here is Shakir’s poem in full:
War Chronicle
How many babies will you kill?
Before you realize,
each time you kill an innocent
that it’s your heart that dies.
A way of life that’s steeped in blood
from sea to shining sea.
murder behind the veil of lies,
proclaimed as liberty.
The armies they go marching off
across the hills and plains.
destroying all before their path,
ignoring screams and pain.
Present the cause in noble words,
thus assuaged we can ignore,
atrocities, injustices,
the carnage and the gore.
Let’s drink to war, the glass raised high,
so fittingly we toast,
to celebrate the ravaged lands,
the scorched earths that we roast.
They’ve earned the ire of our empire,
towel heads and camel jocks.
So kill them all and watch them fall
before the awe and shock.
They are to blame so have no shame
each time you pull the trigger.
No sanctity afford their lives,
it’s just a dead sand nigger.
Strike up the band in foreign lands
the saints are marching in.
Send forth the tanks and Apaches
to purge them of their sins.
No honor are we to afford
to enemies so vile.
So urinate upon the dead
and do it with a smile.
The fresh young girls are there to rape
then burn the evidence,
perhaps this dose of Christian love
will force them to repent.
Let them reject their hateful creed.
Let them reform their ways.
As for ourselves we will repeat,
it’s war not crime that pays.
How many babies will you kill?
Before you realize,
each time you kill an innocent
that it’s your heart that dies.
Peace Plea
How many babies will you kill?
Before you realize,
each time you kill an innocent
that it’s your heart that dies.
Yet even hearts impervious
to suffering and pain,
can be revived just like the earth
God’s grace is like the rain.
When it flows forth over the land,
it nourishes the seeds,
embedded in the earth’s bosom
young seedlings smash the greed.
And then they grow to mighty trees,
whose leaves provide the shade
a place of rest for ravaged souls,
Beyond anger and rage.
Those trees they bear a bitter fruit,
that reaches war-torn hearts,
and slowly hatred dissipates,
more slowly healing starts.
The fruit transcends its bitterness,
sweet fragrance permeates
clearing eyes to realize,
there is no one to hate.
The foe we strove so hard to beat,
is seen to be none other,
An image of my tortured soul,
my sister or my brother.
The enemy that I now see,
that causes me such pain,
is just the fool inside of me,
used for another’s gain.
It is that foe I must defeat,
upon him alone I’ll trod,
denying Satan his service,
always remembering God.
This is the only path to peace,
a peace lasting and real;
a peace based on a simple word:
Mankind, thou shall not kill.
And with this word deeply engrained,
into our troubled souls,
that peace not war and life not death,
should be our cherished goal.
So now I see with vision clear,
the other has no blame,
the onus falls upon my heart,
to end this vicious game.
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