Cardinal Archbishop Timothy Dolan
First it leaked out this morning that Notre Dame was going to sue the Obama Administration over its new rule that employers were required to provide co-pay free contraception, sterilization, and 'morning-after' pills in their health plans. It turns out they are not alone.
The Archdiocese of New York, the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C and over 40 other Catholic institutions are also suing the administration, according to a report from The Daily News.  They say the rule violates their 1st Amendment right to the free exercise of religion.
The Catholic League promised "There will be more. And depending on how the U.S. Supreme Court rules next month on the constitutionality of ObamaCare, this may just be the beginning.
It's an all-out blitz. 
The Catholic bishops originally had the initiative in their political battle with the administration, until Congressional Republicans held an all-male hearing on the issue and Rush Limbaugh called Georgetown student Sandra Fluke a 'slut'. Suddenly the battle over the new mandate became a 'war on women," and Catholic officials got very quiet. 
Well they've come back with a united message now and a unified legal attack.  The different organizations have banded together under a united campaign "Preserve Religious Freedom."
The opening video makes the case that the Archdiocese of Washington would not qualify as a religious institution under the Administration's new rules and would therefore face the choice of violating Church teaching or pay fines amounting to $4.2 million the first year it violated the rule.
It's an enormous pushback and it is only just beginning.