Thursday, April 19, 2012

Do You Matter? Have You Made a Difference?

How? What have you accomplished? Are you finished?  I am 42 years old, I am a Marine Corps Veteran, I have been married for 21years, I have 4 great kids and a wonderful wife, I have been at the top of the world and have scraped the bottom as well, but what have I done? Is my legacy to be written by my children? I currently work for a company that makes no profit, none of us are taking a salary at all, but I believe with my heart and sole that this company could be exactly what I am meant to do. The Co is called 50 Back. They are on face book and the Co website is www.50back,com there are currently 4 of us in the Company, the founders created this Company as a way to give back to the Troops and Veterans. The Company donates 50% of it's proceeds to Veterans Charities. As our military faces more and more challenges around the world our military members continue to answer the call to duty. I want to be part of the solution to the obstacles these brave men and women need to overcome when they return home from active duty and support in any way possible, the families of those who pay the ultimate price. But we need help, if all you can do is help us spread the word, or buy a sixpack, that is help enough. If you can do more, or know someone willing to get involved as an investor, this is a worthwhile cause, it is a great product,and we have dedicated people involved! We are currently seeking the the right investor or investors to allow us the ability to take the company to the next level.  
Please pass this along,
50 Back Beer is currently available in Texas, North Carolina, Maine, and MA.
You can reach us at our website or facebook--.Help us Make A Difference!
Thanks for your time.Semper Fi!
Glenn Charette

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