Monday, April 30, 2012

SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit for bin Laden killing during election campaign

SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit for bin Laden killing during election campaign

By Toby Harnden
Serving and former US Navy SEALs have slammed President Barack Obama for taking the credit for killing Osama bin Laden and accused him of using Special Forces operators as ‘ammunition’ for his re-election campaign.
The SEALs spoke out to MailOnline after the Obama campaign released an ad entitled ‘One Chance’.
In it President Bill Clinton is featured saying that Mr Obama took ‘the harder and the more honourable path’ in ordering that bin Laden be killed. The words ‘Which path would Mitt Romney have taken?’ are then displayed.
Besides the ad, the White House is marking the first anniversary of the SEAL Team Six raid that killed bin Laden inside his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan with a series of briefings and an NBC interview in the Situation Room designed to highlight the ‘gutsy call’ made by the President.
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Taking credit: President Obama has used bin Laden's death as a campaign tool
Taking credit: President Obama has used bin Laden's death as a campaign tool
Mr Obama used a news conference today to trumpet his personal role and imply that his Republican opponent Mr Romney, who in 2008 expressed reservations about the wisdom of sending troops into Pakistan, would have let bin Laden live.
‘I said that I'd go after bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him, and I did,’ Mr Obama said. ‘If there are others who have said one thing and now suggest they'd do something else, then I'd go ahead and let them explain it.’
Ryan Zinke, a former Commander in the US Navy who spent 23 years as a SEAL and led a SEAL Team 6 assault unit, said: ‘The decision was a no brainer. I applaud him for making it but I would not overly pat myself on the back for making the right call.
‘I think every president would have done the same. He is justified in saying it was his decision but the preparation, the sacrifice - it was a broader team effort.’
Mr Zinke, who is now a Republican state senator in Montana, added that MR Obama was exploiting bin Laden’s death for his re-election bid. ‘The President and his administration are positioning him as a war president using the SEALs as ammunition. It was predictable.’
Target: Bin Laden, pictured in his compound in Pakistan, was killed a year ago
Target: Bin Laden, pictured in his compound in Pakistan, was killed a year ago
Mission: Senior figures gathered to watch Navy SEALs invade the compound
Mission: Senior figures gathered to watch Navy SEALs invade the compound
Mr Obama has faced criticism even from allies about his decision to make a campaign ad about the bin Laden raid. Arianna Huffington, an outspoken liberal who runs the left-leaning Huffington Post website, roundly condemned it.
She told CBS: ‘We should celebrate the fact that they did such a great job. It's one thing to have an NBC special from the Situation Room... all that to me is perfectly legitimate, but to turn it into a campaign ad is one of the most despicable things you can do.’
Campaigning in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Mr Romney responded to a shouted question by a reporter by saying: ‘Even Jimmy Carter would have given that order.’
A serving SEAL Team member said: ‘Obama wasn’t in the field, at risk, carrying a gun. As president, at every turn he should be thanking the guys who put their lives on the line to do this. He does so in his official speeches because he speechwriters are smart.
‘But the more he tries to take the credit for it, the more the ground operators are saying, “Come on, man!” It really didn’t matter who was president. At the end of the day, they were going to go.’
Chris Kyle, a former SEAL sniper with 160 confirmed and another 95 unconfirmed kills to his credit, said: ‘The operation itself was great and the nation felt immense pride. It was great that we did it.
‘But bin Laden was just a figurehead. The war on terror continues. Taking him out didn’t really change anything as far as the war on terror is concerned and using it as a political attack is a cheap shot.
‘In years to come there is going to be information that will come out that Obama was not the man who made the call. He can say he did and the people who really know what happened are inside the Pentagon, are in the military and the military isn’t allowed to speak out against the commander- in-chief so his secret is safe.’
Rival: Mr Obama has questioned whether Mitt Romney would have done the same
Rival: Mr Obama has questioned whether Mitt Romney would have done the same
Senior military figures have said that Admiral William McRaven, a former SEAL who was then head of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) made the decision to take bin Laden out. Tactical decisions were delegated even further down the chain of command.
Mr Kyle added: ‘He's trying to say that Romney wouldn't have made the same call? Anyone who is patriotic to this country would have made that exact call, Democrat or Republican. Obama is taking more credit than he is due but it's going to get him some pretty good mileage.’
A former intelligence official who was serving in the US government when bin Laden was killed said that the Obama administration knew about the al-Qaeda leader’s whereabouts in October 2010 but delayed taking action and risked letting him escape.
‘In the end, Obama was forced to make a decision and do it. He knew that if he didn’t do it the political risks in not taking action were huge. Mitt Romney would have made the call but he would have made it earlier – as would George W. Bush.’
Brandon Webb, a former SEAL who spent 13 years on active duty and served in Iraq and Afghanistan, said: ‘Bush should get partial credit for putting the system in place.
‘Obama inherited a very robust package with regards to special ops and the intelligence community. But Obama deserves credit because he got bin Laden – you can’t take that away from him.
‘My friends that work in Special Operations Command (SOCOM) that have been on video teleconferences with Obama on these kill or capture situations say that Obama has no issue whatsoever with making decisions and typically it's kill. He’s hitting the kill button every time. I have a lot of respect for him for that.’
But he said that many SEALs were dismayed about the amount of publicity the Obama administration had generated about SEAL Team Six, the very existence of which is highly classified.
‘The majority of the SEALs I know are really proud of the operation but it does become “OK, enough is enough – we’re ready to get back to work and step out of the limelight.” They don’t want to be continuously paraded around a global audience like a show dog.
‘Obama has a very good relationship with the Special Operations community at large, especially the SEALs, and it’s nice to see. We had the same relationship with George W. Bush when he was president.’
It was ‘stretching a little much’ for Mr Obama to suggest only he would have made the decision. ‘I personally I don't think Romney would have any problem making tough decisions. He got a very accomplished record of making decision as a business professional.
‘He may not have charisma but he clearly has leadership skills. I don’t think he'd have any problem taking that decision.’
Clint Bruce, who gave up the chance of an NFL career to serve as a SEAL officer before retiring as a lieutenant after nine years, said: ‘We were extremely surprised and discouraged by the publicity because it compromises the ability of those guys to operate.
‘It’s a waste of time to speculate about who would and wouldn’t have made that decision. It was a symphony of opportunity and intelligence that allowed this administration to give the green light. We want to acknowledge that they made that decision.
‘Politicians should let the public know where they stand on national security but not in the play-by-play, detailed way that has been done recently. The intricacies of national security should not become part of stump speeches.’
Watch the ad

Do you hulu??

Rumor: Hulu Will Soon Require Viewers To Have A Cable Subscription [Update: It'll Happen, But Not "Soon"]

If you love watching TV shows on Hulu but don’t have a cable subscription, things could get a bit more complicated in the near future. According to the New York Post, Hulu could soon start requiring its users to prove that they also have a cable or satellite subscription. This would obviously turn Hulu’s current business model on its head. It’s not clear how many of the service’s 31 million users currently don’t subscribe to cable TV, but chances are that the service’s audience would shrink after this move.
Keep in mind, this is just a rumor for now, but it’s definitely worth keeping an eye on. It’s also not clear if this subscription requirement – assuming it is actually going to happen – will just apply to Hulu’s free service, or if it will also apply to Hulu Plus subscribers. Hulu Plus, which costs $7.99 per month, currently has somewhere between 1.5 and 2 million paying subscribers.
Update: We just talked to a source close to Hulu. According to our source, Hulu and its content providers have talked about this move toward authentication since 2009. Our source noted that Hulu has no interest in being a first mover here and that a requirement for authentication is likely still a few years out. Hulu, however, does want to be a good partner and may have to give in to its partners’ pressure soon or later. Even though an authentication requirement isn’t likely to happen right away, though, our source notes that what could happen relatively soon is that the content providers could require longer delays before their shows become available on the service for non-subscribers. Cable subscribers, under this model, would get access to a show on Hulu the next day, while non-subscribers would have to wait at least 30 days. This model would likely also apply to Hulu Plus subscribers.
As our own Alexia Tsotsis noted last year when the FCC gave the go-ahead for the Comcast-NBC merger, it issued a number of specific rules to ensure that this merger wouldn’t influence Hulu’s operations. These rules, however, did not specifically touch upon any future provisions that would tie access to Hulu to a cable subscription.
NBCUniversal, News Corporation, The Walt Disney Company and Providence Equity Partners currently share ownership of Hulu. There have been persistent rumors that Providence Equity Partners is looking to sell its stake in the company to the rest of the owners, though. The New York Post’s Claire Atkinson argues that this move toward an authentication model is one of the main reasons why Providence Equity Partners is trying to sell its stake in the company.
We asked Hulu for a comment about these rumors and will update the story once/if we hear more.
One group that has already commented on these rumors is Public Knowledge, a group that works to “preserve the openness of the Internet” and promotes “creativity through balanced copyright.” In a statement, the group’s president and CEO Gigi B. Sohn writes that “restricting access to legal content will only drive consumers to find illegal content. In particular, we are concerned about restricting access to TV programming available over free over-the-air broadcasting. It should be available online, regardless whether anyone subscribes to cable or satellite TV. By putting more restrictions on consumer access to popular content, the entertainment industry only removes any justification for stronger ‘anti-piracy’ laws it is perpetually seeking from Congress.”

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Amazing National Anthem, Be prepared to smile!!

When this autistic man started having trouble singing the national anthem, something happened that could bring you to tears. What an amazing display of humanity. It's great to see that there is still goodness in the world

Friday, April 27, 2012

f-22's staged 200 miles from IRAN?

America's most sophisticated stealth jet fighters have been quietly deployed to an allied base less than 200 miles from Iran's mainland, according to an industry report, but the Air Force adamantly denied the jets' presence is a threat to the Middle East nation.
Multiple stealth F-22 Raptors, which have never been combat-tested, are in hangars at the United Arab Emirates' Al Dafra Air Base, just a short hop over the Persian Gulf from Iran's southern border, the trade publication Aviation Week reported.
Air Force spokesperson Lt. Col. John Dorrian would not confirm the exact location of the F-22s, but told ABC News they had been deployed to a base in Southwest Asia -- a region that includes the UAE. Dorrian also stressed that the F-22s were simply taking part in a scheduled deployment and are "not a threat to Iran."
"This is a very normal deployment to strengthen military relationships, promote sovereign and regional security, improve combined tactical air operations and enhance interoperability of forces," Dorrian said.
The F-22 has only been in the UAE once before for training missions in 2009 with "coalition partners."
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Dorrian declined to say what the Raptors' mission was in the region this time around or how many planes had been deployed, citing operational security. However, Dorrian said that because of the F-22's next-generation capabilities, any number of planes deployed to the region is "significant."
PHOTO With the United Nations authorization for an internationally monitored no-fly zone over Libya the United States began with the deployment of F-22 stealth fighters over the region.
Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP/Getty Images
A US Air Force's new stealth fighter F-22A... View Full Caption
Though the F-22 has been officially combat operational since December 2005, no planes from the Air Force fleet -- which are made by defense contracting giant Lockheed Martin and cost an estimated $79 billion -- have seen combat. The plane was not used in Iraq, Afghanistan or in the U.S.-led no-fly mission over Libya. The Air Force has said the sophisticated jets simply haven't been needed yet.
But Jeff Babione, Lockheed Martin's vice president for the F-22 program, told ABC News last year that the plane was "absolutely" suited for taking on more sophisticated adversaries and could be used in deep penetration strike missions in well-defended combat zones inside places like North Korea or Iran.

Veterans Watchdog

Veterans Watchdog

Hey Boston, there's a new BBQ Place in town!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Back Deck to Open in Downtown Boston

A new "backyard barbecue" spot is getting ready to open in downtown Boston.

A job post from the Craigslist site indicates that Back Deck is planning a mid-May opening on West Street, bringing to Downtown Crossing a place to get charcoal grilled food, with the restaurant using three different grills--a Woodshow Broiler, a Montague Charcoal Broiler, and a Mt. St. Helens Shallow-Box Charbroiler. A few of the menu items at Back Deck include hot wings, grilled chicken livers, grilled cheese on sourdough, burgers, sausage and mashed potatoes, lamb kabobs, gumbo greens, s'mores, and a Snicker sundae.

The founding principal of Back Deck is the person who founded the Fajitas & 'Ritas restaurants, while the chef/GM worked the brick oven at Al Forno in Providence and was the owner of the now-closed Daddy-O’s in Cambridge (he more recently has been involved with The Fireplace in Brookline, Z Square in Harvard Square, and Brandy Pete's in Boston's Financial District).

The address for this upcoming restaurant in downtown Boston is: Back Deck, 2 West Street, Boston, MA, 02111. Their website can be found at 

Patriots Trade Up For 21st Pick, Draft DE Chandler Jones « CBS Boston

Patriots Trade Up For 21st Pick, Draft DE Chandler Jones « CBS Boston

Patriots Trade Up For 21st Pick, Draft DE Chandler Jones « CBS Boston

Patriots Trade Up For 21st Pick, Draft DE Chandler Jones « CBS Boston

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rumors of War III

Home  »  Documentary  »  Rumors Of War III: Explosive New Documentary Shows Hamas, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood Operating In U.S., Infiltrating Government – With Video

Apr 26, 2012 No Comments ›› Doc Holiday Excerpted from The Blaze: On Wednesday evening GBTV unveiled the highly anticipated special, “Rumors of War III, Target U.S.” The documentary examined how radical Islamist groups including Hamas, Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood, are gaining a foothold in America, be it via the growing threat of Mexican drug cartels or the infiltration of Muslim Brotherhood mouthpieces in the U.S. government. Given that the Obama administration has essentially declared the war on terror over, it seems some have chosen to dismiss the power, reach and actual motivations of these militant groups. In order to understand the threat, however, one must understand who these Islamists really are — their roots, ideology and ultimate stated goals.

The Muslim Brotherhood: “Jihad is our way”
Founded in 1928 by Egyptian schoolteacher and staunch Adolf Hitler admirer, Hasan al-Banna, the Muslim Brotherhood is no new-comer to the game of radical Islam. In fact, the Sunni group is considered the oldest and most powerful Islamist organization in the world to date. It is the ideological predecessor of Hamas, Hezbollah and even al Qaeda. Active in at least 70 countries around the world (some estimates claim 100), the Brotherhood’s long-stated purpose is to provide resistance to the secularization and westernization of Islamic nations by promoting the tenets of the Quran and its “legal” framework, Shariah law. Further, its ultimate goal was to be the destruction of non-Islamic states through jihad — or holy war — resulting in the establishment of an Islamic caliphate — one that would eclipse the whole of the western world and beyond.

While sympathizers decry reference to the Brotherhood’s roots as merely overblown scare-tactics leveled by right-wing ”extremists,” their claim that the group is largely secular flies in the face of the entity’s very name: Muslim Brotherhood; and its motto: “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Quran is our law. Jihad [struggle] is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”
Perhaps one of the reasons some believe the Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate group and force for good is through the group’s seemingly extensive community service work. A cursory glance at the Brotherhood and one sees the veneer of a socially-conscious organization focused on youth-outreach, school and mosque development, and even the coordination and promotion of sporting events for the betterment of the community. Once the veil is lifted and the group’s historical ideology is examined, however, a more sinister reality emerges.
According to analysis conducted by Discover the Networks and Jewish Virtual Library, in the 1930s, the Brotherhood was mainly an underground, paramilitary organization that amassed weapons and operated “clandestine camps that provided instruction in military and terrorist tactics.” By the mid-1940s the Brotherhood in Egypt boasted roughly 1,500 branches and by 1948 a membership that is estimated to have exceeded 2 million. During that time period, the late, disgraced PLO leader Yasser Arafat fought alongside his Muslim Brethren.
Of the Brotherhood’s dual identity, scholar Martin Kramer stated:
“On one level, they operated openly, as a membership organization of social and political awakening. Banna preached moral revival, and the Muslim Brethren engaged in good works. On another level, however, the Muslim Brethren created a ‘secret apparatus’ that acquired weapons and trained adepts in their use. Some of its guns were deployed against the Zionists in Palestine in 1948, but the Muslim Brethren also resorted to violence in Egypt. They began to enforce their own moral teachings by intimidation, and they initiated attacks against Egypt’s Jews.”
In keeping with its budding penchant for violent opposition, the Brotherhood assassinated then-Egyptian Prime Minister Mahmud Fahmi Nuqrashi in 1948, resulting in the group’s exile from Egypt and inevitably, the assassination of its own founder, al-Banna. Those who did not flee were imprisoned by the thousands, but that did not stop the militant Islamist Brotherhood. The remaining members simply disbursed to satellite locations in Transjordan, Palestine and Syria, many of whom participated in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948. One of the Brotherhood’s more radical factions was led by writer and ideologue Sayyid Qutb. who Discover the Networks reports advocated armed conflict against non-Islamist states in the Middle East and ultimately, Western infidel nations. DTN describes Qutb this way:
Qutb — whose wordview distinguished sharply between “the Party of Allah and the Party of Satan,” — declared that Egyptian society under the secular Nasser was contrary to authentic Islam. Asserting that the Prophet Mohammad himself would have rejected such a government, Qutb claimed that Muslims had both a right and an obligation to resist it. Qutb’s writings — which challenged the views of mainstream Sunni theologians, who extolled the Islamic tradition of deference to the state and ruler — are now cited by many scholars as some of the first formulations of political Islam.
DTN continues by describing that the lynchpin of Qutb’s “fundamentalist critique” of Egyptian society was his “abiding contempt for the Western, especially the United States, which he regarded as spiritually vacant, decadent, idolatrous and fundamentally hostile to Islamic piety.”
While Qutbs influence was rising, however, the Muslim Brotherhood’s reign of terror almost came to an end in 1954 after one of its members, Abdul Munim Abdul Rauf, attempted to assassinate then-President Nasser. Ironically, the permission the Brotherhood had received to re-enter the country was hence revoked and Nasser put what can only be described as a fatwa on the militant group, burning down its headquarters and arresting approximately 15,000 members — some of whom were executed– notably, Qutb.
In an article for the Middle East Forum scholar Raymond Ibrahim considered what provoked such a violent reaction in Nasser (other than his assassination attempt). He wrote:
“Nasser, a pious Muslim, was most likely intimately, if not instinctively, aware of what the Brotherhood was—and still is: he was aware that it is impossible for Muslim organizations committed to theocratic rule to negotiate or share power, much less be trustworthy allies. In short, Nasser was aware that, once the opportunity presented itself, the Brotherhood would do everything in its power to take over: unlike secular parties concerned with the temporal, it has a divine mandate — a totalitarian vision — to subdue society to Sharia.
That is not where the madness ends. As the decades progressed, the Brotherhood was involved in a series of other “jihads” culminating in the jointly-planned assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat following the success of his Sinai Treaty with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin.
Later, in 2004, one of the Brotherhood’s longtime clerics and Islamic scholars, SheikhYousef Al-Qaradhawi, issued a fatwa — or religious mandate — ordering Muslims abduct and kill U.S. citizens in Iraq.
From Israel’s 1948 War of Independence to the Arab Spring; from paying a role in the assassination of the one Arab leader the world thought would usher in an era of peace and stability in the region, to having a hand in the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Muslim Brotherhood has been there in the thick of it all — and in no small way. As we approach the present-day, after fueling the violent Egyptian Spring that successfully toppled Hosni Mubarak’s Western and Israeli-friendly regime, the organization has attempted to show its “softer side” by taking a place at the country’s political table. The Brotherhood has secured sweeping wins in Egypt’s parliamentary elections and is seeking to claim the presidency itself with candidate, Khairat el-Shater. While he was among a group of candidates recently disqualified from the race, his campaign is appealing for his reinstatement.
Under the presidency, and after decades struggling for the establishment of a theocracy, the Brotherhood promises an Egyptian “renaissance.”
Hamas: “In as much as Jews love life—we love death and martyrdom.”
Founded in 1987, the Muslim Brotherhood progeny is an Islamic terrorist organization whose base of operations is primarily concentrated in the Gaza Strip and some areas of Judea and Samaria (otherwise known as the West Bank). An Arabic acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement,” Sunni-comprised Hamas describes itself as “one of the wings of the Muslim Brotherhood” and is also a proxy of Iran, which frequently supplies the group arms as well as funds its various initiatives. More than this, Hamas is also a social, religious and now, after “democratic elections,“ an ”official” political movement in the region. The organization comprises a legislative and social branch, along with its military outfit, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.
Hamas’ stated purpose, its sole reason for existence, is to liberate Palestine from its “evil” Zionist occupiers. It is not enough for Hamas that the Palestinians establish their own state alongside Israel, as the terrorist group deems Israel’s very existence an abomination and one that, ultimately, needs to be wiped from the face of the earth. To this end, it has been the primary aggressor against the Jewish State, routinely orchestrating suicide-bombings that target military and civilians alike. It also frequently launches rockets into Israel and has claimed responsibility for hundreds of attacks in the last two decades, particularly after amping up its onslaught in the wake of the Oslo Accords.
Hamas’ success at wreaking havoc in the region could not be done alone. In addition to receiving backing from Iran, the Islamist group also receives arms from its Lebanese brothers, Hezbollah, and more disturbing, al Qaeda. In a detailed analysis for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Dr. Harold Brackman explained that Hamas “has held secret summits with Al Qaeda operatives in locales as distant as India, and even sent a select few members to train in bin Laden’s Afghan camps.”
He added that even Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas claimed in 2007 that: “It is Hamas that is shielding Al Qaeda, and through its bloody conduct, Hamas has become very close to Al Qaeda [in Gaza].”
The Hamas slogan rings eerily familiar to that of its forebear, the Muslim Brotherhood, stating: ”Allah is its goal, the Prophet its model, the Quran its Constitution, Jihad its path, and death for the case of Allah its most sublime belief.”
Per the terrorist organization’s charter, Hamas asserts that jihad is a “duty binding on every Muslim man and woman” and unequivocally rejects negotiated settlements as a means to coexist with Israel. ”There is no other solution for the Palestinian problem other than jihad. All the initiatives and international conferences are a waste of time and a futile game.”
Discover the Network reviewed the charter and published several of its other tenets. Some include:
mandates that jihad be directed explicitly against the reviled Jews: “The Nazism of the Jews does not skip women and children, it scares everyone. They make war against people’s livelihood, plunder their moneys and threaten their honor.”
calls for the fulfillment of the Qur’anic scripture which reads: “The prophet [Mohammad] said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!”
To put Hamas’ destructive power in perspective, take into account that 680 missiles, rockets and mortars were fired into southern Israel, mostly by Hamas, in 2011 alone. Since its inception, Hamas has also been the primary perpetrator of suicide bombings. Aside from operating within a vast network of militants spread across the Islamic world, Hamas ensures future success primarily via the dissemination of a steady stream of propaganda and through the indoctrination of Palestinian youth in schools. It has been widely reported the terrorist group has infiltrated the Palestinian education system, which has modelled its textbooks after Mein Kampf and other anti-Semitic works. Watchdog groups like Palestinian Media Watch and MEMRI frequently capture footage of Palestinian children chanting such slogans as “death to Israel” and “death to America.”
For good measure, review the following Hamas battle cries as listed in the Simon Wiesenthal report:
“The language of bullets and bombs is the only language that the Jews understand.”
“We tell them [the Israelis]: in as much as you love life—the Muslims love death and martyrdom.”
“Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas!”
“You [America] will face the mirror of your history for a long time to
come. . . . [With the 9/11 attacks] Allah has answered our prayers.”
Simply put, Hamas is a cult of death. There are no tenets, catch-phrases, songs of patriotism or decrees put forth by the terrorist group that do not contain, in some degree or other, reference to murder and suicide; vitriol and bloodshed. Nary a word of peaceful coexistence can be found. Instead, what is offered in spades, is murder and martyrdom.
What is perhaps most difficult for those who love life — like Americans and Israelis — to comprehend is that it is futile to attempt to appeal to groups such as Hamas, because they are impervious to reason and incapable of properly processing basic human emotion (such as love of child). This is perhaps best illustrated in its collective and continued willingness to sacrifice its children by sending them off to their deaths, strapped with explosives in the “name of Allah.” An entity that comprises people who do not value their own lives, especially those of their children, is not one that can be negotiated with. The West and Israel has no leverage over Hamas, because Hamas has nothing it values enough to fear losing.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Country Star Toby Keith Marks Decade of USO, Troop Support With 12-Day Tour

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Award-winning singer and songwriter Toby Keith celebrates a decade of touring the globe, performing shows and visiting troops with the USO during a five-country, 12-day USO tour. Traveling to the Middle East to lift the spirits of troops and their families, the megastar will continue his long-standing tradition of visiting remote forward operating bases and delivering a much-appreciated touch of home.
Through his many appearances on behalf of the USO, Keith has quickly become synonymous with spreading smiles and cheer to troops stationed both abroad and stateside through live concerts and interactions. For Keith, 10 years have flown by, in the best way possible.
"I can't believe it has already been a decade, it feels like just yesterday when I first started working with the USO," Keith said in a press release. "I've met so many great, brave servicemen and women over the years and had so many wonderful experiences, that I can barely remember them all. One thing is for sure, I enjoy working with the USO, I love our nation's troops and I won’t ever stop doing my part to extend my thanks."
"The USO considers it a real privilege to have worked with Toby Keith over the last ten years," said USO President and CEO Sloan Gibson. "He has such a genuine interest in enhancing the lives of our nation's troops and is truly among our biggest and most recognized supporters. We can't thank him enough for all of the support he has shown us over the last decade and we look forward to many more years together."
Toby Keith (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Zachary S. Welch/U.S. Navy Photographer) Country music superstar Toby Keith learns about the flight deck from Lt. Cmdr. Clemente V. Gattano while touring Flight Deck Control aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72). Abraham Lincoln is deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility conducting maritime security operations, theater security cooperation efforts and support missions as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.
Toby Keith (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Zachary S. Welch/U.S. Navy Photographer) Keith talks with Quartermaster Seaman John Mendez while touring the bridge of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72). In his ten years of teaming with the USO, Keith has lifted the spirits of more than 178,500 service members during 211 USO shows and meet and greets.
Toby Keith (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Zachary S. Welch/U.S. Navy Photographer) Keith goes topside to see how a different type of air traffic is controlled on the Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72). Since his first USO tour in 2002, Keith has traveled to more than 14 countries and participated in nine USO tours. Among the countries visited are Afghanistan, Bahrain, Belgium, Bosnia, Cuba, Djibouti, Germany, Iraq, Italy, South Korea, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan and Macedonia.
* Check back later for more photos and an interview with Toby Keith.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

YAY, Congress is PROTECTING US, Again!!!

Congress Passes Bill Severely Curtailing First Amendment Liberties | Print |  E-mail
Written by Joe Wolverton, II   
Thursday, 01 March 2012 10:29
A bill has just passed the House and the Senate that criminalizes protests anywhere near the presence of a designated government official. On Monday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted nearly unanimously (388-3) in favor of H.R. 347, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011. 
As part of this legislation, Congress expressly forbids trespass onto the grounds of the White House. Many likely believe that such a law already existed and they are right. The controversial aspect of this bill’s restatement of that statute is that it expands the scope of the federal government’s authority to bring charges against those deemed trespassers at any location placed provisionally under the jurisdiction of the Secret Service.
The present state of the law prosecutes White House trespassers under a local Washington, D.C. ordinance. Prior to this latest federal action, violation of this ordinance was a misdemeanor.
Under HR 347, however, the Congress endows itself with the unbounded power to impose federal criminal charges on not only those who enter the White House grounds without prior permission, but on anyone who participates in protests at or near a location falling within the greatly enlarged scope of this new prohibited zone.
The situation is serious and is a legislative end-around the First Amendment’s protection of the right to assemble and the right to speak freely. A story at accurately sets the scene:
The new legislation allows prosecutors to charge anyone who enters a building without permission or with the intent to disrupt a government function with a federal offense if Secret Service is on the scene, but the law stretches to include not just the president’s palatial Pennsylvania Avenue home. Under the law, any building or grounds where the president is visiting — even temporarily — is covered, as is any building or grounds “restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance."
Section (c) of the act defines the key phrase “restricted buildings” as follows:
"[R]estricted buildings or grounds" means any posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area —
(A) of the White House or its grounds, or the Vice President's official residence or its grounds;
(B) of a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting; or
(C) of a building or grounds so restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance
Under the terms of the existing law amended by this act, the Department of Homeland Security is tasked with deciding which events will qualify as being of “national significance.”
According to one report:
[N]early three dozen events in all have been considered a National Special Security Event (NSSE) since the term was created under President Clinton. Among past events on the DHS-sanctioned NSSE list are Super Bowl XXXVI, the funerals of Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford, most State of the Union addresses and the 2008 Democratic and Republican National Conventions.
As the foregoing quoted sections of the bill evince, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act, as with so many other recent laws, contains paragraph after paragraph of vague terms that can be wrested to suit the mercurial whims of our federal overlords.
In addition to control over the fluid and fickle designation of “restricted buildings” afforded to the Congress, the bill endows the President with the power to extend Secret Service protection to anyone he deems worthy. The President accomplishes such an act by way of issuing a memo.
As the aforementioned Section (c) explains:
[T]he term "other person protected by the Secret Service" means any person whom the United States Secret Service is authorized to protect under section 3056 of this title or by Presidential memorandum, when such person has not declined such protection....
When read together, these two subsections make it a federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison to “enter or remain” in any designated area without permission, and, that forbidden zone may shift from here to there without prior notice depending on the presence of any person the President has placed under the protection of the Secret Service.
Supporters of this measure insist that “loopholes in the law” needed to be closed in order to guarantee the safety of the President, the Vice President, and other government VIPs.
Who might qualify for this vaunted status? Consider this information:
Hours after the act passed, presidential candidate Rick Santorum was granted Secret Service protection. For the American protester, this indeed means that glitter-bombing the former Pennsylvania senator is officially a very big no-no, but it doesn’t stop with just him. Santorum’s coverage under the Secret Service began on Tuesday, but fellow GOP hopeful Mitt Romney has already been receiving such security. A campaign aide who asked not to be identified confirmed last week to CBS News that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has sought Secret Service protection as well. Even former contender Herman Cain received the armed protection treatment when he was still in the running for the Republican Party nod.
The sponsor of the companion measure introduced in the Senate is Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.). During deliberations on the measure, Blumenthal explained the purpose behind the proposal:
This bill will improve the law enforcement tools available to the Secret Service in its attempts to protect the President, the Vice President, and others on a day-to-day basis by closing loopholes in the current federal law. The new law should punish and deal more effectively with anyone who illegally enters restricted areas to threaten the President, Vice President, or other Secret Service protectees.
There are, however, a few members of Congress (three, in the House of Representatives, to be precise: Justin Amash [R-Mich.], Paul Broun [R-Ga.], and Keith Ellison [Democratic-Farmer-Labor -Minn.]) who recognize deprivation of fundamental First Amendment rights lurking in the gray areas of this ill-defined law. 
For example, the bill does require “willful” encroachment into a restricted area. It is possible that a person could attend a political speech by one of the GOP contenders, for example, and unintentionally find himself within the prohibited parameters and be subject to federal fines and imprisonment. 
One of the people’s representatives who has consistently opposed these “gradual and silent encroachments” on constitutionally-protected liberties has spoken out against this latest abridgement, as well.
As is customary these days, Congressman Amash (pictured above) published his reproach on his Facebook page
"The bill expands current law to make it a crime to enter or remain in an area where an official is visiting even if the person does not know it's illegal to be in that area and has no reason to suspect it's illegal," Amash wrote.
"Some government officials may need extraordinary protection to ensure their safety. But criminalizing legitimate First Amendment activity — even if that activity is annoying to those government officials — violates our rights,” he added.
Representative Amash’s concerns are valid. A straightforward reading of the bill reveals the real threat to the freedoms of association and speech. As written and passed by the Congress, there is nothing that would prevent the application of the relevant provisions of this new act to an innocent person protesting against this or that policy position of a presidential candidate while standing outside a debate venue.
The climate created by the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011 is inhospitable to protest and demonstration, thus it is the very definition of the “chilling effect” on speech that should concern all citizens, regardless of party affiliation.
The bill will now proceed to the President for his signature or veto.
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vvvpr said:

Outlawing the Occupy Movement: H.R. 347 Makes Free Speech A Felony
March 01, 2012

Lady Antebellum Helps Rebuild Town Ravaged By Tornadoes « Mix 104.1

Lady Antebellum Helps Rebuild Town Ravaged By Tornadoes « Mix 104.1

Want To Run Across Home Plate At Fenway Park? « Mix 104.1

Want To Run Across Home Plate At Fenway Park? « Mix 104.1

Love Walmart???

Wal-Mart covered up bribe campaign in Mexico, report says

  • Mexico Wal Mart Bribe_CROP.jpg
    April 21, 2012: A van covered by a mural sits parked outside a Walt-Mart Super Center in Mexico City. (AP)
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. hushed up a vast bribery campaign that top executives of its Mexican subsidiary carried out to build stores across that country, according to a published report.
The New York Times reported Saturday that Wal-Mart failed to notify law enforcement officials even after its own investigators found evidence of millions of dollars in bribes. The newspaper said the company shut down its internal probe despite a report by its lead investigator that Mexican and U.S. laws likely were violated.
The bribery campaign was reported to have first come to the attention of senior executives at Wal-Mart in 2005, when a former executive of its largest foreign subsidiary, Wal-Mart de Mexico, provided extensive details of a bribery campaign it had orchestrated to win market dominance.
The Mexican executive, previously the lawyer in charge of obtaining construction permits, said in emails and follow-up conversations that Wal-Mart de Mexico paid bribes to obtain permits throughout the country in its rush to build stores nationwide, the Times reported.
Wal-Mart's growth in Mexico has been so rapid that one of every five Wal-Mart stores now is in that country. It is Mexico's largest private employer, with 209,000 employees there.
The newspaper said that only after learning of its investigation did Wal-Mart inform the U.S. Justice Department in December 2011 that it had begun an internal investigation into possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Under that law, it is illegal for U.S. corporations and their subsidiaries to bribe foreign officials.
Wal-Mart, which is based in Bentonville, Ark., said Saturday that it takes compliance with that law very seriously. It also noted that many of the "alleged activities" in the Times article occurred more than six years ago.
"If these allegations are true, it is not a reflection of who we are or what we stand for," spokesman David Tovar said. "We are deeply concerned by these allegations and are working aggressively to determine what happened."
Wal-Mart said its latest, ongoing investigation is being handled by outside lawyers and accountants who are experts with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The company also said it has tightened procedures and expanded training in Mexico to ensure compliance with the law.
The Times said its investigation uncovered a lengthy struggle at the highest levels of Wal-Mart, pitting the company's commitment to high moral and ethical standards against its relentless pursuit of growth.
Wal-Mart had sent investigators to Mexico City, where the newspaper report said they quickly discovered evidence that included a paper trail of hundreds of suspect payments totaling more than $24 million.
But according to the Times, top Wal-Mart executives kept quiet about the campaign and were more focused on damage control than on exposing the corruption. Then-CEO H. Lee Scott Jr. reportedly rebuked internal investigators at one meeting for being overly aggressive. Shortly thereafter, the newspaper said, the investigation was turned over to the general counsel for Wal-Mart de Mexico, who himself was alleged to have authorized bribes. He swiftly exonerated his fellow executives.

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Sick of the hotdogs at Fenway? Check out the Yard House!

Yard House, which features 180 beer taps, makes itself at home near Fenway

Tired of the ballpark hotdogs and peanuts? This season, Boston Red Sox fans have a new dining option — one with 150 menu items, 180 tap handles, and seating for 500. The Yard House, a goliath beer-selling restaurant chain based in California, has landed a spot in the backyard of historic Fenway Park. Yard House
The Yard House’s Brookline Avenue location, which opened in March, is the newest of the chain’s 35 mega-restaurants around the country. In addition to Sox fans, it aims to attract college students, business professionals and families, with food, drink and entertainment. The restaurant is filled with flat-screen televisions, tables and booths, and an open patio with views of Fenway Park.
“Really, it’s the environment,” said Jane Hannah, the Yard House manager. “We’re all about your experience — everything about the music, energy and vibe.”
The restaurant has a large staff — 12 to 18 managers on a typical weekend night, rather than the usual two or three of a smaller eatery.
“I have worked at a few other restaurants before, and we have a lot more managers than I’m used to,” said Travis Eilerson, a server at the Yard House. “If you’ve been here on a Friday or Saturday night, it’s packed and crazy, so it’s really necessary.”
Hannah has been with the Yard House company for six years and has opened three other locations, prior to Fenway—in Miami, Hawaii and Dedham, Ma.. A native of Milton, she said she was excited to be able to open a restaurant close to home.
Fenway “is a phenomenal location,” she said. “Most of our locations are in malls, so for us having the opportunity to open something [here], that’s great, especially in the Boston community. That’s one thing we love — to be a part of the community.” The restaurant does fundraising for a number of charities, she said.
According to Hannah, the beer menu is a big draw. With 180 tap handles, the Yard House boasts one of the largest selections of beer on tap in the country.
Even though the Red Sox opened the season with an away game, “our restaurant was full of people” that day, she said.
Alison Karr had dined with her family at Yard House restaurants in Florida before coming to the Fenway location. She said the new restaurant — the biggest one she has been to — was a welcome addition to Boston.
“We’ve liked everything we’ve had — and I know my husband likes the beer selection,” she said.
By Daniella Iervolino, Globe Correspondent, Re-posted from
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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Denzel Washington, Doing The Right Thing!!

Remember this next time you walk up to the ticket window of your local movie the...See More
Remember this next time you walk up to the ticket window of your local movie theater with $10 in your hand. The Media (Accidentally?) missed this one!!!! Please read this: The troops oversees would like you to send it to everybody you know. Subject: Denzel Washington, and Brooks Army Medical Center. Don't know whether you heard about this but Denzel Washington and his family visited the troops at Brook Army Medical Center , in San Antonio , Texas, (BAMC) the other day. This is where soldiers who have been evacuated from Germany come to be hospitalized in the United States , especially burn victims. There are some buildings there called Fisher Houses. The Fisher House is a Hotel where soldiers' families can stay, for little or no charge, while their soldier is staying in the Hospital. BAMC has quite a few of these houses on base, but as you can imagine, they are almost filled most of the time. While Denzel Washington was visiting BAMC, they gave him a tour of one of the Fisher Houses. He asked how much one of them would cost to build. He took his check book out and wrote a check for the full amount right there on the spot. The soldiers overseas were amazed to hear this story and want to get the word out to the American public, because it warmed their hearts to hear it. The question is - why do: Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Tom Cruise and other Hollywood fluff make front page news with their ridiculous anticsand Denzel Washington's Patriotism doesn't even make page 3 in the Metro section of any newspaper except the Local newspaper in San Antonio . A true American and friend to all in uniform! This needs as wide a distribution as we can create. Please share it!

EXCELLENT! Denzel, I love it when those who can...DO!
Wish you knew about

Trace Adkins at The Cape Cod Melody Tent Friday, July 6th 2012 8:00 PM

Trace Adkins at The Cape Cod Melody Tent Friday, July 6th 2012 8:00 PM

Mural Dedicated To Fallen Soldier Painted Over

Mural Dedicated To Fallen Soldier Painted Over

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Group blasts Marine Corps for reviving 'Crusaders' name and symbols

The insignia for the VMFA-122 "Crusaders" that was used from 1957-2008. The name and symbols were changed to Werewolves for four years, but the historic nicname and symbols were recently reinstated.
A recent decision by the Marine Corps to reinstate "Crusaders" as the name of its Fighter Attack Squadron 122 — replacing "Werewolves" — and adopting the red cross of the medieval Knights Templar was blasted as unconstitutional and willfully ignorant by a civil rights group Wednesday.
“I don’t know that the Marine Corps could do anything more to fuel the cause of jihad," said Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a nonprofit organization that advocates church-state separation. "It will directly end up taking lives and maiming members of our military."
VMFA-122 based out of Beaufort, S.C., used the Crusaders symbol from 1958 up to 2008, when Lt. Col. William Lieblein pointed out that imagery invoking the Christian conquest and colonization of Muslims during the Middle Ages was counterproductive to U.S. soldiers based across the Arab and Islamic world.
"The notion of being a crusader in that part of the world doesn't float," he said, ordering the change to "Werewolves," as reported by the Beaufort Gazette at the time.

Kari Huus
Follow Kari Huus on Twitter and Facebook.

Dozens of military members, including Marines in the affected squadron have contacted MRFF reporting that the name has been changed back, and that the symbols had already been painted on the vertical stabilizers of the F-18s.
Weinstein says that members of the military who contacted his group — mostly moderate Protestants and Catholics — felt that the decision was blatantly religious.
"They’re being told, 'the enemy gets to have Allah in their fight. We need to get our Lord and Savior back into our fight'," said Weinstein."
Lt. Cmdr. Wade Weigel, who currently heads the squadron, said he did not think the historic nickname was problematic, according to a report in the Beaufort Gazette on Monday.
"It's a way for our Marines to draw on the service of the Marines before them, and to make their own history under the same name," Weigel told the paper. "As the squadron prepared to celebrate its (70th anniversary), my intent was to return the squadron to the Crusader name since 50 of the squadron's 70 years were under that name. The name change is a reflection of our heritage."
Through the law firm Jones Day, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation on Wednesday sent a letter calling on top Navy and Marine Corps brass to reverse the decision, arguing that the use of Crusaders and the accompanying symbolism violate the Constitution’s separation of church and state, and threatening legal action if it is not changed.
The name change comes just as world media focuses on the trial of Anders Breivik, a Norwegian who admits to killing 77 people in a holy crusade against Islam and multiculturalism. Breivik brandished the Knights Templar symbols in his "manifesto" and YouTube video posted shortly before his bloody rampage.

Do You Matter? Have You Made a Difference?

How? What have you accomplished? Are you finished?  I am 42 years old, I am a Marine Corps Veteran, I have been married for 21years, I have 4 great kids and a wonderful wife, I have been at the top of the world and have scraped the bottom as well, but what have I done? Is my legacy to be written by my children? I currently work for a company that makes no profit, none of us are taking a salary at all, but I believe with my heart and sole that this company could be exactly what I am meant to do. The Co is called 50 Back. They are on face book and the Co website is www.50back,com there are currently 4 of us in the Company, the founders created this Company as a way to give back to the Troops and Veterans. The Company donates 50% of it's proceeds to Veterans Charities. As our military faces more and more challenges around the world our military members continue to answer the call to duty. I want to be part of the solution to the obstacles these brave men and women need to overcome when they return home from active duty and support in any way possible, the families of those who pay the ultimate price. But we need help, if all you can do is help us spread the word, or buy a sixpack, that is help enough. If you can do more, or know someone willing to get involved as an investor, this is a worthwhile cause, it is a great product,and we have dedicated people involved! We are currently seeking the the right investor or investors to allow us the ability to take the company to the next level.  
Please pass this along,
50 Back Beer is currently available in Texas, North Carolina, Maine, and MA.
You can reach us at our website or facebook--.Help us Make A Difference!
Thanks for your time.Semper Fi!
Glenn Charette

Helo crashes in Afghanistan; 4 troops on board - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times

Helo crashes in Afghanistan; 4 troops on board - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times

Retail Tobacconists and Consumers! We Need Your U.S. Senators' Support!

Retail Tobacconists and Consumers! We Need Your U.S. Senators' Support!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

North Korea.....

North Korea Says It Will Abandon Deal With U.S.

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea said on Tuesday that it was abandoning an agreement in made in February with the United States, in which it promised to suspend uranium enrichment, nuclear tests and long-range missile tests.
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The North Korean Foreign Ministry said that it “resolutely and totally” rejected the United Nations Security Council’s condemnation of its failed rocket launching last week, and that it would continue to launch rockets to try to place satellites into orbit.
The ministry’s statement hinted, but did not make clear, that the North may now conduct a long-range missile or nuclear test.
No longer bound by the deal, “we have thus become able to take necessary retaliatory measures,” the ministry said in the statement, which was carried by the state-run Korean Central News Agency. “The U.S. will be held wholly accountable for all the ensuing consequences.”
The United States had already suspended its side of the deal because of the rocket launching, including 240,000 tons of food aid the United States had promised to the North.
The collapse of the deal cost the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency a chance to send inspectors into the isolated country for the first time in three years. And analysts said it made further North Korean provocations more likely.
North Korea argued on Tuesday that Washington was the first to renege on the February deal, by suspending the promised food aid and pressing the Security Council to condemn the rocket launching. In the deal, Washington had promised not to have “hostile intent” against the North.
Analysts have long questioned the effectiveness of sanctions against North Korea. Some analysts said on Tuesday that China may have broken a Security Council resolution by providing 16-wheel missile-launching vehicles that were seen in a military parade in Pyongyang, the North’s capital, on Sunday carrying a new type of missile.
Ted Parsons of IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly pointed out similarities to a known Chinese vehicle: “The same windscreen design, the same four windscreen wiper configuration, the same door and handle design, a very similar grill area. almost the same front bumper lighting configuration, and the same design for the cabin steps.”
He added that the involvement of a Chinese vehicle builder “in North Korea’s missile program would require approval from the highest levels of the Chinese government and the People’s Liberation Army.”
James Hardy, another analyst at Jane’s Defense Weekly, said that if it is confirmed, China’s involvement would breach a 2009 Security Council resolution that bans countries from supplying North Korea with “any arms or related matériel, or providing financial transactions, technical training, services or assistance related to such arms.”
On Tuesday, North Korea rejected the Security Council sanction resolutions as “brigandish” and meant to hamper countries from defending themselves. “Justice should be protected by one’s own efforts,” the ministry statement said.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Providence Marine Abraham Tarwoe Dies in Afghanistan |

Providence Marine Abraham Tarwoe Dies in Afghanistan | 


At Ease, listen up my fellow Veterans. This small beer co. Want's to do BIG things for US, the Troops and Veterans. This Co 50 Back, was founded to give 50% of their proceeds to Veterans Charities. They currently Donate to and work with the USO, and Homes For The Troops, as well as K9 Vet Dogs and The Ahern Family Charitable Org, And The Soldiers Legacy Fund. The Beer is Currently available in MA, TX, NC, and ME. Let's do what we can to support those that support us! Check out 50 Back on Facebook,  and                          And check out the video link below......Carry On!                                                                                                                                                                                   

American Service Members Finish Boston Marathon In Full Uniform « CBS Boston

American Service Members Finish Boston Marathon In Full Uniform « CBS Boston

Kabul, 3 eastern provinces, hit by coordinated Taliban attacks

Kabul, 3 eastern provinces, hit by coordinated Taliban attacks

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Spent the afternoon with Brother Marines from my first Reserve unit the 6 Motor T Co in Providence RI. Welcoming Home 30+ Returning Marines from Afghanistan 3 with Purple Hearts! Welcome Home Hero's I hope you enjoyed the 50 Back Beer! Nice to meet you! Semper Fi!

Welcome Home Providence RI Marine's!!
Please show your support, scan the QR code or click the link spend 1.99 and buy a Veteran a beer!
  I would like, on the behalf of a Greatful Nation, and as Director of Sud Sales for 50 Back Beer, Welcome Home the Providence 6 Motor "T" Marines!!!
Returning from Active Duty in Afghanistan. Semper Fi!!
Glenn Charette

"We are United States Marines, and for two and a quarter centuries we have defined the standards of courage, esprit, and military prowess."
— Gen. James L. Jones, 32nd Commandant of the Marine Corps

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Boston startup needs support.

Hey, Really...You know a bunch of Companies that were founded to support our Troops and Veterans? Do they even come close to Donating 50% of the Co's Net Proceeds to the cause?? Touch a few buttons here and give 50 back 5 Stars! Not 4.5, Not 3, Give us 5 stars, Or I'm sending a truckload of Marines to ask you why not!!! Just Do it! NOW!!!! Help us, help them. Make a difference!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

In the news: 50 Back Beer, Who is it? What is it??

In the news: 50 Back Beer, Who is it? What is it??: Check out  50 Back on Facebook, Like them. You can also check out the Co. website and check out the latest Co promotion at ww...

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